Skin Nutrition Through All Seasons

With the seasonal change, our skin’s needs also change. But while most skincare blogs concentrate on the topical skincare products that need to be switched, we have brought you a different perspective — nutrition. The eternal debate of foods good for skin v/s foods bad for skin will go on. But a step above that debate is the knowledge about what foods to eat in which season. Cooling foods for summer and warming ones for winter? But wait, there’s more to it. Here’s a guide on skin nutrition through all seasons.

1. Winter Skin Nutrition

-     Winter is a challenging time. The days are short, the air is thick, and the cold is excruciating. Work slows and depression may also set in for people living in remote areas.

-     Hence winter is the time to eat rich and heavy food that makes you happy.

-     The best part is that the temperature drop supports your digestive system, and you can enjoy all the warm and gooey foods like meat, hearty thick soups, potatoes, pasta, pizzas etc.

-     Mix it up with whatever seasonal produce you can find in terms of fruits and veggies, and you will see how your skin glows.

-     Winter also brings the holiday season, which means a fortnight (if not a whole month) of heavy eating.

2. Spring Skin Nutrition

-     Spring is the season of thawing, when the cold slowly retreats to make way for a warmer climate.

-     Most houses undertake spring cleaning at this time. You must also undertake spring cleaning for your body, by getting more detox meals into your diet.

-     The cold of winter may have stimulated your appetite, and the holiday dinners may have triggered you to eat rich and heavy foods. But you can’t continue to eat such foods as the new climate doesn’t make digestion as easy as winter.

-     Hence get yourself healthier and lighter foods like steamed vegetables, green salads, and multigrain bread. These keep your digestion easy and keep your skin glowing.

-     Fresh spring fruits like cherries and apricots will also benefit your skin.

3. Summer Skin Nutrition

-     Summer means you need hydration.

-     Your skin needs moisture, especially since you wander outdoors and under the sun very often.

-     The season is also suitable to grow a lot of vegetables, herbs and fruits, so take full advantage.

-     To replenish your skin’s lost hydration, eat water-heavy fruits like watermelons, muskmelons, cumbers and cooling herbs like mint and parsley.

-     Drink a lot of water in the form of juices, green teas and coconut water.

-     Instead of soups you must choose cold gazpacho, devour fresh fruit sorbets and pick light salads instead of meat-heavy sandwiches.

-     Sheep and goat cheeses are fresh at this time, so incorporate them into your diet too.

4. Fall Skin Nutrition

-     Fall brings a slowing of pace. As the hustle and bustle of summer pass, things begin to settle down again.

-     The weather turns and the sun becomes milder, rains may disrupt perfect windy days. This is not great for your digestive system even though fall is the harvest season.

-     Therefore you must eat more nutritious food that is dense and boosts your immunity for the upcoming winter.

-     Grains, carbs, and even some good fats are welcome at this time. Consume more rice dishes, freshly made loaves of bread and varieties of pasta, quinoa salads and Mediterranean meals at this time.

-     This will help keep your skin soft and supple, as well as ready to survive the cold winter.

-     Vegetables like turnips, carrots, pumpkins etc are fresh, as are cranberries and apples. These supply a number of vitamins and antioxidants that help keep your skin looking fresh and young.

Feel the change in the weather, listen to what your skin and body are telling you, and eat accordingly. With this little skin nutrition guide through all seasons, you can pick foods that work best for every season. Happy eating!